Cardiovascular Machines

SKYE GYM Portree

Professional Gym Club 4 Broom Place, Portree, Isle of Skye    -   Tel: 07834 787701

Cardiovascular Machines

Cardio machines: cycling rowing running stepping

Cardiovascular (cardio) workout machines

We achieve and improve "cardio" fitness with sustained medium / low intensity aerobic exercise.

Skye Gym offer a wide range of state of the art Cardio machines. They not only provide variety, but focus your training on a wider number of body areas and muscle groups.

These offer a familiar, flexible method of increasing stamina which can be measured using the intelligent monitoring system. Running or Jogging along the kilometres just fly past ...

Elliptical Trainer
A more modern version of the Stepper Machine the Arc Trainer exercises both upper as well as providing the traditional lower body motion. The Arc Trainer has a greater leg movement and burns more calories due to this unique arcing motion.

Our Spinner Bikes offer the traditional cycling workout without the bad weather and traffic. The screen gives feedback so you can measure your progress and mark waypoints.

Our rowers offer the classic experience in comfort and safety. These machines are popular the world over and can be a hard or gentle experience - its up to you.

Cardio Workout